Ben The Chicken - Dark Land Of Lightness

Enter If You Dare

Ben The Chicken   Book 1 {Into the Big World}

Chapter 1 {The Big Choice}

Ben always wanted outside of his barn pen since he was a small chicken-ling. He told this to his parents every night before he went to sleep that he would some day in the future.

2 months later...... his father said, "Son, I think you are finally old enough to choose to either go out into the wide world and find a mate or to stay here on the farm and find a mate." "Father, I am certain that I want to go out into he wide world and find a mate," said Ben with certainty. "We're going to miss you here, Ben." said his mother. After she said this, she began to cry. "Aw, mom! I promise that I will come back in a year to see you again." said Ben. Then, his mother stopped crying a little. "Well, if you do find a mate, make sure that she likes me. With that, Ben set off on his long exploration.

Chapter 2 Tthe big first step)

The next day...... I'm too far away from home to go back now, Ben thought to himself. "Who goes there?" asked a far away voice.